Thursday, June 7, 2007

I Am a Woman Fully Growed! Or: If You Don't Want to Attract a Pedophile, Don't Wax Your Business!

Okay, I am officially freaked out. Once again, my husband has come home with stories of "the guys" talking about their preference for, the oh, so cleverly named, "Landing Strip." What is up with this? How come every guy in America now demands that their woman imitate a Mexican Hairless?

Used to be (and not so long ago), it was perfectly okay for a woman to look like a woman. Not a pre-pubescent, Catholic schoolgirl uniform wearing, lollypop licking, "woman-child." We could strip down and look perfectly presentable without having to risk cutting ourselves with razors or burning ourselves with wax and most any man was thrilled. Now, it seems, most men expect a highly messed-with, hair free (or mostly hair free) vay jay jay or they will heave in the bedside wastebasket. When did being a normal grown woman turn into imitating Sasquatch?

I blame internet porn. All those "barely legal" sites refer to more than close to underage girls. They also implicity promise that the yayas will be bare as a baby's butt. And therein lies the rub (if you'll forgive the pun.) If the only women worth looking at on the internet are shaved within an inch of their lives, and anyone who prefers a normal woman is reduced to visiting "fetish sites," then things have certainly taken a turn for the worse. And why are women participating in this highly undignified and potentially itchy phenomenon? Any woman can tell you that shaving and waxing are both horribly uncomfortable, and no woman WANTS to follow either of these practices on her own. Women are bending to pressure here, and at the same time participating in the dumbing down of the very men they hope to attract. If the only person worth looking at is a schoolgirl, then we, as valued sexual partners, are obsolete before we reach legal age. Why would we take part in a cultural phenomenon what will lead to our own obsolescence?

When Woody Allen took off with Soon-Yi, I was as titillated as the next person. What stepfather prefers his "barely legal" stepchild to his movie star girlfriend? What kind of pervert is he, anyway? But then I started thinking about Mia Farrow, and her childish persona, and how she is given to wearing knee socks and braids, and I realized that if you don't want to attract a pedophile, you probably shouldn't talk in a baby voice. Just my two cents.

I could go on, but you probably get my drift. I, for one, will not be having my pubic area subjected to laser hair removal. My husband is actually in agreement with me. I call on other adult women to join me in a return to normalcy. Just say no to the Brazilian! Stand proud! Refuse to allow a culture gone mad to dictate your hygiene! If you don't, be prepared to lose your man to a (MUCH) younger woman (girl?)
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